What is negative gearing?

If you earn less from an investment property than it’s costing you, you’re said to be negatively geared. The motivation to be negatively geared is that it reduces your taxable income and you accept a short-term loss in the hope of a capital gain later.

What’s the difference between an investor loan and a home loan?

Unlike a home loan, costs associated with an investment loan are tax deductible (eg interest, repairs, rates, depreciation, etc). However, be aware that any rental income will generally increase your taxable income. Another key difference is that any appreciation in the value of an investment property (capital gains) is taxed.

What are the additional cost when purchasing an investment property?

Along with the cost of your deposit, you need to account for the cost of building inspections, stamp duty, conveyancing fees and any legal costs.

What are the ongoing costs associated with an investment property?

Ongoing, as the owner of an investment property, you will need to pay council rates, water rates, insurance, body corporate fees, land tax, property management fees, repairs and maintenance costs.